Owning Beats Renting 

Own your own home instead of renting an apartment. It’s that simple – and it costs just about the same or less. If you already live in town or are considering moving here, you know Bellingham has some of the most expensive housing in America. The DADO was imagined to help would-be-renters become first-time homebuyers so they can start building equity and enjoy a better financial future. For a small down payment and a monthly mortgage equal to renting an apartment in the area, you can own your own new home. 

No asking the landlord to paint walls, or wondering when the rent will be raised (again). Your DADO Pod is yours to make your own and enjoy, and will increase in value with the rapidly appreciating local real estate market. 

Plus you’ll be living alongside other people who value community, sustainable choices, and enjoying an intentional, active lifestyle.

The monthly cost to OWN at The DADO is $2,000, less than many rentals.

Start Building Your
Financial Future Now.

  • LIVE your VALUES

    Choose a green living, small footprint lifestyle with planet-friendly materials, filtered air & water in each home & energy-efficient appliances


    Intentional design maximizes space; bonus furnished outdoor patio & covered deck increase living space; individual sheds for storage for gear junkies


    Beautiful decks with swings, hammocks for hang-outs, sheltered outdoor nooks for laptop time & a games terrain foster relaxation & community


    Low cost of entry to buy means you’re building equity in a sound investment at the same or lower monthly cost than renting an average Bellingham rental